"Friend A: Hope you went to church today.
Friend B (answering with guilt): I couldn't make it...maybe I'ld go in the evening.
Friend A: Na wa for you oh! You done they use stile they miss church abi? You've forgotten that it is the Sabbath day!
Friend B: Abeg don't start...I only needed a rest! I done see you wey be church-goer mtscheeeewwwww!!!"
The above dialogue plays out every blessed sunday amongst friends, siblings, mum and son/daughter, though not in these same words. And this, we all will agree is due to the Biblical injunction in Gen 2: 2-3 which reads: "And on the seventh day God ended his work which He had made; and He rested on the on the seventh day from all His work which He had made. And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it: because in it He had rested from all His work which God had created and made."
Looking at that bible quotation, we can see that the seventh/sabbath day was declared a day of rest and sanctified as such in that in it, no work was done by our Lord so we should likewise keep of work and any form of labour on that day. It is meant to be a day when we lean back, put our feet up and say like Bruno Mars: "today I don't feel like doing anything...". So where did the issue of worship and going to church on that day come from? Why do we make one who missed church on Sunday feel like he/she is most definitely hell bound? Cos as far as I know, that day was made for rest and nothing more. We've got six days in which to work, labour and worship God. The seventh day should be spent resting, lounging and in total recreation.
Now, if someone was to ask you innocently to define rest, I am willing to bet my last marble that "Worship" wont be among the words that would make up that definition. And if you were to go ahead to name places one can achieve rest, you'd definitely include your room, house, even your bed, a hotel, a park, e.t.c. in your list. So what is all the fuss about someone observing the day of rest in the comfort of any of the above mentioned places?
When it comes to worship, I am firmly of the opinion that worship should have no particular day or time. Our entire existence, activities and associations should be aimed at glorifying our LORD! We must not actually go to church in order to achieve worship. Yes, I do agree that it is advisable to congregate and share our thoughts and prayers, but it must not be on that day of rest, must it?
Anyways, this is my own thought on the matter, and it doesn't in anyway advocate any particular belief...The truth is, this thought came to mind after I returned from church service last Sunday.
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